If not, you are about to enter a whole new realm of interesting food.

Let us introduce to you Square Meals, your source for delicious and nutritious food.

At Square Meals, we believe that everyone deserves wholesome and satisfying meals, no matter their age or circumstances. In fact, we specialize in taking care of people who cannot get out of their house to shop or simply don't want to cook. After all when you reach a certain age you deserve a medal not humdrum food. 

That's why we're proud to offer a wide selection of home-style dishes tailored specifically for seniors and their families at just the right size and just the right price point. No longer do children of seniors have to worry about whether mum and dad are eating properly, because they are going to have Chef prepared (not line cook) meals that they will want to "lick the plate" clean after. 

Our meals are not only flavorful but also packed with nutrients, ensuring that you get the nourishment you need without sacrificing taste or convenience. From hearty dinner-style options to comforting classics, we have something to suit most palates. Don't you just wish that you could have the kind of meals that your mum used to prepare years ago?

With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we have been a staple in many peoples fridges and freezers for 40 years under the banner of Simple Simon Pies but we have now expanded to making meals for seniors, after all Simon is a senior himself now. At Square Meals we are all Foodies and love our food, so that love is going to be transmitted to your through these meals! 

7 Meals for $50 delivered (one for every day of the week ) WOW.

We have ensured that every meal will inspire you, so much so that we have a money back guarantee- if you don't like it then you get your money back, doesn't get much better than that does it? 

In business we guarantee that every meal is prepared with care and attention to detail. Say goodbye to bland and uninspired dining experiences - say hello to Square Meals!


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